Frontend Developer
Graphic Designer
Frontend Developer
Graphic Designer
Hi I'm Łukasz, I'm from Silesian voivodeship in Poland,
studying IT on Silesian University of Technology. I'm interested in front-end technologies and graphic design.
I learn everyday, to remove
junior prefix from my career path.
I can be your
I can be your
frontend developer.
But mainly,
I can be your Workmate
I use HTML5 to create semantic websites, which are available to read on every kind of device.
CSS3 is used by me to create user friendly layout.
Nowadays, when smartphones are used recently, RWD is the most important thing in front end development.
Basic elements of programming in CSS? Yes, please. It improves my workflow with stylesheets.
I'm using Javascript with ES6 syntax to create basic interactions with user.
Bundling JS and CSS, autoprefixing, ES6 and Sass transpiling. Thats it!
Photoshop - creating web design which is simple and pretty.
Vector brother from the very same mother. Love creating arts using this software.
Git is very important tool to control version of your project. Still have to improve my skills in it.
It is extremly powerful tool to become self-sustainable javascript developer. I use it to work with package manager.
React, what should i say? I have to improve my skills in this awesome framework.