Frontend Developer

Graphic Designer

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Hi I'm Łukasz, I'm from Silesian voivodeship in Poland, studying IT on Silesian University of Technology. I'm interested in front-end technologies and graphic design. I learn everyday, to remove junior prefix from my career path.
I can be your designer.
I can be your frontend developer.
But mainly,

I can be your Workmate

My Skills

Known and recently used

  • HTML5

    I use HTML5 to create semantic websites, which are available to read on every kind of device.

  • CSS3

    CSS3 is used by me to create user friendly layout.

  • Responsive Web Design

    Nowadays, when smartphones are used recently, RWD is the most important thing in front end development.

  • Sass

    Basic elements of programming in CSS? Yes, please. It improves my workflow with stylesheets.

  • Javascript

    I'm using Javascript with ES6 syntax to create basic interactions with user.

  • Gulp

    Bundling JS and CSS, autoprefixing, ES6 and Sass transpiling. Thats it!

  • Photoshop

    Photoshop - creating web design which is simple and pretty.

  • Illustrator

    Vector brother from the very same mother. Love creating arts using this software.

Known but not so good

  • Git

    Git is very important tool to control version of your project. Still have to improve my skills in it.

  • CSS3

    It is extremly powerful tool to become self-sustainable javascript developer. I use it to work with package manager.

  • Responsive Web Design

    React, what should i say? I have to improve my skills in this awesome framework.







  • Curriculum Vitae